[CLOSED]Blackboard Workshop for instructors: Sep 26th THU @ ITO campus

For instructors interested in Blackboard system (Learning Management System), this workshop will provide the basic of how to use the system to manage your course materials, student list or even quizzes online. During the workhop, you'll learn how to create your own course(s), enroll students, add and organize your course materials, create tests and assignments, and more. This workshop is conducted by ICER (in English) and is recommended for all instructors who are interested to start using Blackbord for the coming semester.

Kyushu University Blackboard System:http://webct.kyushu-u.ac.jp

DATE:Thursday, September 26th, 2013 - 15:30~17:00
PLACE:Center Building 1 Room1408
NOTE: You can bring your own laptop PC (or we will have some MacBooks, too) to access Blackboard system. Please make sure your laptop is able to access University wireless network. And you are required to enter your SSOKID and password to log in to the system.

Register now!